From here you will be able to design your tent in many ways. Please see below for the instructions and frequently asked questions:
For best functionality, use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser. Other browsers may not work as expected.
You will begin at the front side of the tent then work your way to the back, right, and left sides of the tent.
When you are finished with the current section, click the next button to go to the next section. You can always go back to the previous section(s) for later editing using the prev button.
After you have completed all sections, a Preview Now button will show, which will generate the preview of your tent. This can take a couple of minutes to load the more customized the tent becomes.
With the preview finished, you now have the option to go back and edit more or submit your design.
If you are ready to submit, please fill out all the contact information and press submit. This will generate a PDF for you and automatically download it to your computer.
On the right side of the screen, you will see a box labeled SELECT OPTIONS, which is where most of your customization takes place. There are five subsections labeled accordingly: